Laravel 8 + Livewire + Typescript = Perfection

Joe Munapo
2 min readOct 15, 2020

This stack blows my mind guys. Wow, Okay I’m so excited I can’t even know where to begin to explain how much I like this stack. Any way let’s dive right in.


I love Laravel, like deeply like - it’s one of those frameworks that I recommend to all my clients, I mean it’s kinda forcing them otherwise we can’t work together… that is how much I love it. On a side note I like to use Laravel Voyager as the admin dashboard, it’s just `Bhurugwa ne Bhande` but I’m not going to write about that today.

Typescript ~ well Hello! that’s everything you need as a language, documentation and linting, you know programmers we’re are lazy — that’s all in one.

Livewire ~ Thanks to Caleb Porzio it’s like a whole universe of code created. Of cause documentation does not cover everything but maaan! it’s so great.

So with all that in mind I decided to setup a project with my best stack.


Laravel ~ `laravel new lara-wire-typescript ` //Assuming composer and laravel is installed globally. Otherwise please refer to Laravel Installation

Livewire ~ `composer require livewire/livewire`


  1. Install typescript globally `npm install -g typescript` //Assuming you have node v 10+ installed
  2. Install dependencies in your project `cd lara-wire-typescript && npm i `

3. Install required typescript dependencies in your project ` npm i ts-loader typescript -D`

4. Initialize Typescript configuration file `tsc — init`

paste the following code in

5. Webpack Configuration your

6. `Hello World` & log livewire event — well why not

7. Create a new file `resources/js/typescript/hell-world.ts`

8. Code

9. Create file livewire.js

10. Include your file bellow livewire scripts `<script src=”{{asset(‘js/livewire.js’)}}”></script>`

11. Create livewire component `php artisan make:livewire hello-world`

12. Include in the body of your blade file `@livewire(‘hello-world’)`

13. In HelloWorld.php

## Final

Compile your code, fix any typos and import errors *I’m no perfect*

Run your code. You should see a `dd` on the screen and `happy coding` in your browser’s console.

**For Real** ~ Happy Coding

### Credits

Sebastian De Deyne



Joe Munapo

Genesis 1:27 - I can't create the word but I'm sure I can create something for he created us in his own image. I'm here to create softwares from scratch :)